Crestgear is an Australian family owned & operated company. We’re constantly working to improve and grow as a business by selling products that our customers find the most useful and used part of their everyday gear.
The Crestgear logo represents a series of crests, mountain crests, wave crests and crests in abstract. Reaching a crest in a journey gives pause to reflect on achievements so far, but it also allows us to look ahead to the next milestone and a reminder that there is always the next crest ahead of us … it implies motion, momentum and ambition.
A crest can also be a symbol or logo. Countries, companies, organisations and sporting teams all have crests that represent what the institution stands for, people commit to crests and are inspired by what it means to them. Crests unite us.
We refer to our gear as all the useful objects in our lives, as in “grab your gear and get going”. Our gear is not simply a possession that is for decoration, our gear provides utility and fitness for purpose. Our gear helps us do what we do.